Sunday, April 27, 2014

Crabs and Feng Shui

Sorry that I haven’t written sooner. I've been a little low on energy (chi) this week. There’s something about little health setbacks that really drag me down. You might say that I've had the crabs.

Speaking of chi: fourteen years ago when I designed and built our home, I used the principles of feng shui to guide me. Feng shui can be defined as the Chinese art of arranging space to achieve happiness, health and prosperity. Another definition I’ve read states that it is the Chinese art of living in harmony with your surroundings. My husband didn’t quite understand the language and reasoning I used as I chose shapes, colors, art, materials and accents throughout our home in order to produce harmony and positive energy (chi).

It was not by accident that my home office was decorated around the theme of water and is located in the career area of our home (according to the feng shui model). Originally my office was confined to a small corner of the room because it doubled as a guest bedroom. However, last year we redecorated, got rid of the bedroom furniture, and created a wonderfully spacious home office just for me.  I’ve painted the walls turquoise, filled jars with seashells, hung artwork depicting water, the ocean, and spiritual themes.  The room has quite the “beachy feel” with white wooden furniture and a Bahamian print recliner.  All the decisions and decorating regarding this room were made by me, that is, except one.

One day I decided I needed another piece of art to hang on the wall of my office.  My husband, John, was going with a friend to a flea market while visiting south Florida. I asked him to look for something “beachy” for me.  John had a successful shopping adventure and when I next saw him, he proudly presented me with his finding: a blue metal crab with a sign that read “CRABS gather here.” I wasn’t  really quite sure how to take that ???

tiny sand crab, hidden in plain sight
I was able  to spend time this week relaxing in my home office. I really love the feeling of this space.  As I read, reflected and relaxed in the recliner, my attention and gaze often rested upon the beachy art that John had bought me.  In spite of my mood and disposition, I chose to look at that crab and focus on it’s beachy-ness. You won't find any crabby-ness inside this office. I can hide those feelings in here. Or maybe it's the feng shui and chi that overcome those negative thoughts and feelings? If I could only get rid of the crabs when I step outside of these office walls…

Where do you go when you need to relax or release? Is there a place where you can safely be with your crabby-ness? Is there a place where you can safely let it go?


  1. Love your "beachy office" description. Sounds delightful. Also was caught by your new version of the "3 R's" - read, reflect, relax. Great reminder for me. Hocking Hills, dinner with my wife and exercise are my relaxing and releasing venues. I can safely be with my crabby-ness with Judy, a few good friends and God, thankfully. Otherwise if I stuffed it, others and myself would sufffer when it overflowed.

    Your little sand crab reminds me that our crabby-ness does often hide in plain sight, amidst everything in our lives. I need to realize this and tend to it. However, I also see a cute little creature who makes me smile a bit. Isn't crabby-ness also bit of a choice by us of how we see and react to situations? Thanks for your words and seeds of thoughts.
