Saturday, May 17, 2014


It's the Nike slogan but noooo, I am NOT referring to any kind of encouragement to improve yourself athletically. In fact, I'm not speaking to you at all.

I can't BELIEVE that I haven't posted anything for THREE weeks. I made a commitment to myself. I'd blog at least once a week, more often if possible, was what I said. But then a week went by. Promise broken...even if only to myself...and the "shame game" began. Maybe you play it too??? It goes something like this: You agree to do something. You don't do it perfectly. You feel shame. Then you avoid doing that thing at all. 

STOP THE MADNESS MICHELLE! No one is perfect. There are no blog police. End the game and write something. 

That's the cry of my heart today. What's yours?


  1. "No one is perfect" is my heart's cry today. Thank you for helping me stop to even think about that.

  2. "Why do I let perfect stand in the way of good enough?" That is my heart's cry today. Thanks for reminding me that I am not alone.

  3. From your lips to God's ears! WHY indeed?
